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1 p.m. to 4 p.m. daily
Brookings County Museum
207 Samara Avenue Volga, SD 57071 (605) 827-2303
PO Box 872, Brookings, SD 57006
Dalthorp Death, Obituary, and Event Scrapbook Listings
by Subject and Page Number
NOTE: This remarkable scrapbook was kept by then Volga Postmaster Victor Dalthorp. He faithfully clipped articles for this book from the 1930s to about 1956. He retired in 1946 after serving as postmaster for 30 years.
We are indebted to him for this historic document and for his gifts of hundreds of other artifacts of local history.
This book is mostly of news stories from the Volga Tribune and other area newspapers recording deaths and obituaries, not only of Volga and area residents, but of others in the county plus counties abutting Brookings County.
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