to the
OPEN Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. daily
Brookings County Museum
207 Samara Avenue Volga, SD 57071 (605) 827-2303
PO Box 872, Brookings, SD 57006
Brookings County Museum
Mission: To collect exhibit, educate, preserve, research and provide access to the history of Brookings County and the surrounding area. Adopted June 2024
Purpose: To preserve all things of past, present and future historical significance, and to acquire, preserve and display such articles in the best interest of the public. (Articles of Incorporation of Brookings County HIstorical Society September 1, 1965)
The Brookings County Museum started in the Brookings County Courthouse in 1939. As interest and artifacts grew, county communities were asked for proposals to locate in their town. Volga offered lots in its City Park and other amenities. Volunteer labor and donated supplies in 1968 kept the new museum's costs to less than $25,000. Since, a 1880's one-room rural school, a 1870's log cabin, and a 1884 Brookings home were donated. Cash gifts, Will bequests and memorials have made possible the Farm Equipment Building and the Trygve A. Trooien Horse-Drawn Museum.
For safety and security, some buildings may be temporarily locked. Please inquire of a volunteer in the main museum and someone will welcome the opportunity to show you our other facilities.

The Brookings County Museum has no paid employees. All work in maintaining and growing the museum and its six building is by volunteers. Thanks to all for gifts, memberships, memorials and donations, plus the annual allotment from the Brookings County Commission and help from the Volga City Council.