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OPEN Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. daily
Brookings County Museum
207 Samara Avenue Volga, SD 57071 (605) 827-2303
PO Box 872, Brookings, SD 57006
Trygve A. Trooien Horse-Drawn Museum
Say hello to Pet, Tiny, Molly & Jip. Pet them on their noses. They like it.
Rare one-row corn planter invented before 1804 Lewis & Clark Exp.
Find our pet skunk and three barn cats. One sleeps on a barn door.
Admire the first steel item crafted in the county--a Medary plowshare.
A big and not-so-big bob-sled near a fancy "cutter" with bells on.
See the county's oldest wagon wheels and wagon undercarriage.
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